The Team

Who We Are

Dr. Megen McBride

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A Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, Megen McBride, ND is trained in both conventional and traditional medical wisdoms.
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Dr. McBride’s practice utilizes IV Therapy, ozone therapy, homeopathy, cranial sacral therapy, peptide therapy and herbal remedies with an emphasis in nutrition, lifestyle, mind body and behavioral medicine.
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She specializes in bioidentical hormone therapy, neurology, immunology (autoimmunity), and gut healing protocols.  
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Learn More about Dr. McBride on her Instagram

Her story

Growing up on a small farm, in an agricultural community, allowed my childhood curiosity to have plenty of space to grow. I learned at a young age, how the seasons created rhythms of planting and sowing, birthing, growing, and such beautiful aging. Love of nature, creation and hard work have become a part of me.

As a mother of five children I have a deep appreciation and respect for the dynamic and changing health care needs of families. The impact of an individual's health has profound effects on their family and community. I believe we can help heal past and future generations as we each heal individually.

Steven Williamson

Steven has studied nutrition for 26 years and competed as an athlete for most of his life. As a competitive body builder and athlete he has spent his life studying nutrition in order to give him the competitive edge to win in competition. In 1997 he took it to another level and began the journey of helping and teaching others how to achieve optimum nutrition and fitness. Both he and the Doctor attend 6-10 Medical Conferences and Seminars a year to stay on the cutting edge of Functional Lifestyle Medicine, especially as it pertains to whole nutrition and detoxification.

Together with his background in communication and public speaking, Steven has implemented health coaching into LWMD’S Functional model and is producing some amazing results in the areas of chronic stress and life management. As a graduate of FMCA (Functional Medicine Coaching Academy) and a certified Functional Medicine health and wellness coach, his passion is working with integrative physicians to help patients achieve optimal health and wellness and becoming the best version of themselves.

Steven also enjoys a deep passion for God, family, martial arts, and life on the beach. You can usually find him and the Doctor in the gym or on one of their favorite beaches.

Kassady Backes, BHS

Administrative Assistant
Patient Care Coordinator

Kass graduated with honors from the University of Missouri in Columbia with a Bachelor of Health Science, minor in Biology, and certificate in Multicultural Studies. She has worked in several avenues of healthcare including as an emergency room scribe and as a health coach. After a couple years away, Kass is back in her happy place (school!) pursuing a Master of Science in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine from the University of Western States.

Her passion for health, nutrition, and functional medicine came after years of yo-yo dieting and "quick fix" solutions failed both herself and her family. Kass realized that health is nurtured through a root cause approach with slow, sustainable change that is maintained via daily practice. She loves being part of a team where she can help others feel well and nourish a fulfilling relationship with their health.

Outside of work, Kass loves to geek out on health podcasts, find new spots to hike, go to the beach with her partner, travel, and snuggle up with her cat, Gila.

Malia Nordman, DC, RVT

Administrative Assistant
Patient Care Coordinator

Malia's interest in health and wellness began at a young age as a competitive gymnast. She received a full athletic scholarship at Southeast Missouri State University where she earned a BS degree in Health Management (fitness and sports medicine option). She continued her passion to learn about the body and attended Logan College of Chiropractic earning a doctor of chiropractic degree. Malia also has received her certification as a register vascular technologist.

Malia is a proud military spouse. Her husband, Todd is an active duty marine and they have 3 beautiful daughters. They have been at the beg and call of the USMC following Todd's career and have resided in 4 different states throughout Todd's career. Work family balance is very important to Malia especially being a stable source for her daughters. She is happy to be part of this like-minded team, assisting in administration.

On the weekends, Malia and her husband can usually be found at the soccer fields watching their daughters compete.

Carrie Lavery, NA, CPT-NHA

Naturopathic Assistant

As a Naturopathic Assistant, Carrie loves connecting with patients, assisting in their wellness, and healing, as well as learning as much as she can in the functional and naturopathic medicine space. Her fascination with the knowledge that is available to us in each of our bodies lead Carrie to pursue her license as a Certified Phlebotomist Technician, and she couldn’t be happier to be a part of the process of bringing healing to our patients. Carrie moved to California after graduating from the University of Iowa with a BA in Communications, and a Minor in Dance. She is a proud mother of three amazing boys who keep her on her toes and inspire her every day to be the best version of herself!

Dr. Williamson's guidance can help you return to an improved quality of life.

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